Curing is arguably one of the most important steps in your composite restorations. A poor cure means incomplete polymerization, affecting everything from marginal integrity to strength and durability. Proper curing protocol is only one side of the equation – you also need a good curing light. Patients are ready for improved care through the latest in dental technology, they are actively searching for practices with up-to-date and innovative patient care experiences.

DENTAL ADVISOR recently had the opportunity to test the Monet Laser Curing Light in their Biomaterials Lab, revealing some exciting insights!


The most common photoinitiator in composites is camphorquinone (CQ), which reacts to light wavelengths within a range of 430 – 510 nm, with absorption peaking around 468 nm. The closer a curing light’s spectral radiance is to the peak of 468 nm, the more effectively it cures. When the spectral radiant power of Monet Laser Curing Light was measured against competitors, the peak of the Monet Curing Laser was extremely close to the peak of CQ, activating CQ more effectively. This allows you to achieve full polymerization with better bonding and less shrinkage of bulk-filled composites in as little as three one-second exposures!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that when 60-80% of the procedures in your office involve composite curing, by eliminating soft cures and cutting chair time, the patient experience improves, your practice can see more patients and build more revenue.