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Dental Diode Laser Frenectomy
Dr. Hornbrook performs a Frenectomy using AMD LASERS
Frenectomy on a 4 year old
Frenectomy on a baby
Gingivectomy around brackets
Gingival Recontouring for Esthetics with Picasso Lite
Laser tissue around Abutment to seat crown
Laser use in immediate implant placement with provisional
Opening tissue for implant placement
Opening tissue for small diameter implant
Implant Recovery
Dr. James Jesse - implant recovery with Picasso diode laser
LBR aka LLLT aka Laser Decontamination
LD aka LAPT aka Laser Curettage
Herpetic Lesion Treatment
Venous Lake
Fibroma Removal procedure with Picasso Dental Laser by Dr. Sonkin